Certified to Make a Difference

Our bags have received the highest sustainability certifications by European standards. All of our bags are certified compostable and biodegradable. They’re made from used coffee grounds and 100% recycled PE (polyethylene resins). Unlike other plant-based plastics, our bags do not use virgin materials. Instead, we make use of food waste for a truly sustainable product that leaves nothing behind.

ASTM D6400
Standard Specification for Labeling of Plastics Designed to be Aerobically Composted in Municipal or Industrial Facilities. Our product has tested to break down between 9-12 months by Mexico’s National Laboraty CIQA. Certification No. SCC200285

Note: The Coffee Barn products are not suitable for home composting. These bags are certified to break down within 9-12 months when processed in an industrial composting facility. Consult your local waste management or compost facility for proper disposal instructions.